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The title of this website, 'Copernican Principle', typifies my values of Community. In brief, the principle suggests that the Earth and, therefore Mankind, are relatively insignificant within the grander scheme of the entire universe. Therefore, all ego is misplaced as individually we are effectively nothing.


In the 16th century, Nicolaus Copernicus suggested that the Sun was at the centre of the universe not the Earth. The main implication being that if the Sun is central then the Earth, and therefore Mankind, isn't as special as we thought. Expanding this notion further, especially in the light of modern understanding that our entire solar system is only one of billions within a galaxy which itself is only one of billions within a cosmos, and then we can consider Mankind's place as really very small indeed.


My main fascination with the principle is it's humbling effect. Many people who refuse to even consider the vastness of the universe are scared by the realisazion of their own insignificance and worthlessness. However depressing this thought might be to some, remember that anything outside of those perceived limits which we deem to be most important in our daily lives (such as family, the town where we live or work) may be considered as irrelevant anyway.


Therefore, it's my simple philosophy that we should simply make the best of what we have.  I don't know if we'll ever be judged on our lives by some omniscient and omnipotent presence, but what does it matter?  If we always show respect, share our love and hope that those people that have impact on our lives do likewise, then within the bounds of our own little worlds at least, we can still find happiness.


Love and peace,


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